• The amazing career of master magician Harry Houdini is presented from his beginnings with a carnival "wild man" act to his emergence as an internationally-acclaimed illusionist, From his dramatic escape from a locked safe under the frozen Detroit River to an even more improbable one from a locked cell in Scotland Yard, he never failed to please and astound his audiences. Although Houdini's tricks are achieved through his marvelous physical dexterity and innate sleight-of-hand, he courted death with the hazardous illusions he performed and his compulsive quest to make contact with the spirit world
  • 肯特是美国西部巴特尔勒克特市的头头,他由于一种作弊的纸牌游戏落入了城镇巡逻队员的控制之中,也使得一个叫谢里夫·科格的人被杀害了。该市市长与肯特密谋使本镇陷入混乱,以获得自己的利益,他们安排了一个华盛顿·蒂斯代尔的人作为新的治安官,他们以为这个人很好控制。但是,他们不知道蒂斯代尔原来是一个著名检察官汤姆·戴斯特里的代理人,戴斯特里有强大的势力,能够安排更为强大的人马来作为蒂斯代尔的副手。肯特和市长没有想到这一点,虽然他们通过各种周密的计划,想要控制整个事态的发展,但最终失败了,他们的阴谋和罪行大白于天下。
  • 异想天开1969